
Rhythm Riot!

Rhythm Riot! poster
Rhythm Riot! poster

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Four action-packed days and nights of 1950s music, dancing and vintage lifestyle. With a huge international line-up of bands and DJS, fantastic classic car cruise, spectacular vintage clothing mall, burlesque shows, indoor flea market, late bars, music & dancing 'til the early hours... and lots more! - Ezra Lee - Benny Peters - Scotty Baker - Pat Capocci - The Hi-Jivers - Tammi Savoy & the Chris Casello Combo - Shanda & The Howlers - The Lucky Lucianos - Ray Collins Hot-Club - The Velvet Candles - Walter Broes & the Mercenaries - The Fuzillis - The VoodooVendors - The Doel Brothers - Mischief! - Chris Casello & the Sabres - The Congo Faith Healers - Si Cranstoun & his Band - The Backyard Casanovas - Jim Hammond's Electric Mudshack - Dylan Kirk & the Killers - Sister Suzie & the Right Band - A Jay Wade & the Tennessee No9 - The Sweet Georgia Boys - The Tilmann Schneider Trio - The All-Star Ruth Brown Show!

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