Help Me - Sonny Boy Williamson Ii

Help Me

Sonny Boy Williamson Ii

(Willie Dixon, CHECKER 1036, 1963)

You got to help me
I can't do it all by myself
You got to help me baby
I can't do it all by myself
You know if you don't help me darling
I'll have to find myself somebody else

I may have to wash
I may have to sew
I may have to cook
I might mop the floor
But you help me baby
You know if you don't help me darling
I'll find myself somebody else

When I walk, you walk with me
When I talk, you talk to me
Oh baby, I can't do it all by myself
You know if you don't help me darling
I'll have to find myself somebody else
Help me, help me darling!

Bring my nightshirt
Put on your morning gown
Oh, bring my nightshirt
Put on your morning gown
Darling I know that you're sleepy
But I don't feel like lying down
Oh yeah...

Real name of "Sonny Boy Williamson II" is Rice Miller
This song was also recorded by Sugar Blue (James Whiting)

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