Hula Hop - Smokey Joe Baugh

Hula Hop

Smokey Joe Baugh

(Kesler - Baugh, SUN RECORDS, 1955)

On the beautiful shores of Hawaii
Well, down where the palmtrees swing
The kids are jumping and jiving
To a brand new hula thing

Well, it seems that the island musicians
Have heard of a thing called the bop
They don't dare play an old fashioned hula
But they rock to the hula hop

Well, the steel guitarist used to play so pretty
As the waves broke over the shore
But he don't play that way no more
Well, he rocks like he never rocked before

Well, the ladies used to like the ukelele
But now it has gone out of date
'Cause the cat that used to play the ukelele
Plays the boogie woogie on the eighty-eight

Well, it seems that the island musicians
Have heard of a thing called the bop
They don't dare play an old fashioned hula
But they rock with the hula hop

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