I've Got My Eyes On You

Go Cat Go

(Darren Spears, R-301-LP 10", 1991)

I've got my eyes on you
You really drive me wild
You got a smile so sweet
You're like an innocent child
There something in the way you move
That makes the blood run through my veins
And everytime you speak to me
A flash of thunder goes through my brain
There's only one thing
I want you to know
If you're rockin' in your rock 'n' roll shoes
I've got my eyes on you
I've got my eyes on you

I've got my eyes on you
There is no room for compromise
Everytime we meet
You always leave me paralyzed
I'd give anything
To get real close to you
I'd even sell my very soul
If that's what you would have me do
I'm telling you pretty baby
I can't take it anymore
The way you haunt me up
And leave me like you do
I've got my eyes on you
I have my eyes on you
I've got my eyes on you
I have my eyes on you

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