I've Never Been So Blue

Dusty & Dot Rhodes

(Unlisted, SUN, UNISSUED)

There's no joy now in my heart
There's no romance in the air
I knew I'd miss you, but never knew
That I could be so blue

And I've never felt so bad
Bluest blues I've ever had
And I've never been so blue
As I been since I lost you

Since I've never loved before
I don't know just what to do
I guess I'll get by, have to try
But I've never been so blue

And I've never felt so alone
I just hope these blues don't show
And I've never been so blue
As I been since I lost you

If I ever love again
I'll be sure I know the score
I don't like that blues like losing you
'Cause I hate to feel so blue

And I've never felt so bad
Bluest blues I've ever had
And I've never been so blue
As I been since I lost you
As I been since I lost you
As I been since I lost you
As I been since I lost you

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