Leave Me Alone - Rhythm

Leave Me Alone

Rhythm' Train

(Urs Odermatt - Linda Steele, COUNTRY ELITE SPEC, CD 73644)

Now, it's time to say goodbye
Please my Darling don't cry
I know, I broke your heart in two
My Gal, I was in love with you

But you tried, to put me in a prison
And you know, that's my only reason
I'm goin' to have to say goodbye
My love for you has died

I know I promised you forever
And that we'd always be together
The love we shared was so true
I'm so sorry I've made you blue

But you tried, to put me in a prison
And you know, that's my only reason
I'm goin' to have to say goodbye
My love for you has died

And now the time for me has come
I feel the need to run
Wild and free again to roam
So now, please leave me alone

But you tried, to put me in a prison
And you know, that's my only reason
I'm goin' to have to say goodbye
My love for you has died
My love for you has died

Courtesy of Urs Odermatt

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