
Let's Bop

Jack Earls

(Jack Earls, SUN Unissued, 1956)

Everybody knows me around the town
They know I'm a cat and I can get around
They know I like to rock, two and three
Come on cats and rock with me
Yeah, rock, bop, rock, bop, rock, bop, rock, bop
I guess that's why they call me rock 'n' roll

Make all the nice ones around the town
They know we drive around
When I walk in, you can hear me say
I'm gonna rock you cats till the break of day
Yeah, rock, bop, rock, bop, rock, bop, rock, bop
I guess that's why they call me rock 'n' roll

Well, we start playing about a quarter to nine
All you cats, feeling fine
Drinkin' that juice, turn up the floor
Everybody yelling, gimme little bit more
Yeah, rock, bop, rock, bop, rock, bop, rock, bop
I guess that's why they call me rock 'n' roll
Rock! Roll!

Well, me and the boys, we start to play
Look at them cats, hear 'em say
Like that music, dig that jive
Gonna like rock 'n' roll until I die
Yeah, rock, bop, rock, bop, rock, bop, rock, bop
I guess that's why they call me rock 'n' roll

Well, rock-a-rock-a-rock-a-rock-a-rock-a-daisy
Rock, bop, rock, bop, rock, bop, rock, bop
I guess that's why they call me rock 'n' roll

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