Living Doll - Cliff Richard

Living Doll

Cliff Richard

(Lionel Bart, ABC 10042, 1959)

Got myself a cryin', talkin', sleepin', walkin' livin' doll
Got to do my best to please her, just 'cause she's a livin' doll
Got a roving eye and that is why she satisfies my soul
Got the one and only walkin', talkin' livin' doll

Well, take a look at her hair, it's real
And if you don't believe what I say, just feel
Gonna lock her up in a trunk
So no big hunk can steal her away from me

Got myself a cryin', talkin', sleepin', walkin' livin' doll
Got to do my best to please her, just 'cause she's a livin' doll
Got a roving eye and that is why she satisfies my soul
Got the one and only walkin', talkin' livin' doll

Well, take a look at her hair, it's real
And if you don't believe what I say, just feel
Gonna lock her up in a trunk
So no big hunk can steal her away from me

Got myself a cryin', talkin', sleepin', walkin' livin' doll
Got to do my best to please her, just 'cause she's a livin' doll
Got a roving eye and that is why she satisfies my soul
Got the one and only walkin', talkin' livin' doll

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