Mean Streak - Cliff Richard

Mean Streak

Cliff Richard

(Samwell - Seener - Ralph, COLUMBIA, 1959)

Well, you stand there honey, with your hands on your hips
Just a stompin' your feet and baby, biting your lips
Yeah, you stand there honey, with the devil in your eyes
You say you're gonna leave, but I know it's all lies
Oh-oh honey, got a mean streak
Oh-oh baby, got a mean streak
Well, if you wanna stay with me be my lovin' honey bee
You must lose you mean streak
You look so cute and you walk so nice
But your heart is as mean and as cold as ice
Well, I found my heart was a-beatin' kinda faster
Oh baby, I know I was a-looking for disaster
Oh-oh honey, got a mean streak
Oh-oh baby, got a mean streak
Well, if you wanna stay with me be my lovin' honey bee
You must lose you mean streak

Well, you stand here honey and you're looking so pretty
Yeah, but I'm a-gonna leave you, ain't that a pitty
Well, you took a-my lovin' and you threw it away
I know it's gonna happen to you someday
Oh-oh honey, got a mean streak
Oh-oh baby, got a mean streak
Well, if you wanna stay with me be my lovin' honey bee
You must lose you mean streak

Yeah, mean streak
Oh baby, mean streak
Oh honey, mean streak
Oh, mean streak
You gotta lose it
Mean streak

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