Memories Are Killing Me - Rhythm

Memories Are Killing Me

Rhythm' Train

(Urs Odermatt, 2006)

I was yours, you were mine
We had a nice time
You were my one and only

On a rainy cloudy day
I had to go my way
And leave you in your own misery

Memories are killing me
The price to be free
Why can life be so mean?

I threw you away
And it hurts every day
My heart cries over you

It's all over, we've said goodbye
And I'm too hurt to cry
But it's tearing me apart

I drink my cares away
Why the hell didn't I stay
And give us a chance to start again

Memories are killing me
The price to be free
Why can life be so mean?

Don't worry about me
I feel blue, but I'm free
But those memories are killing me
But those memories are killing me

Courtesy of Urs Odermatt

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