Peroxide Blonde And A Hopped Up Model Ford - Gene Simmons

Peroxide Blonde And A Hopped Up Model Ford

Gene Simmons


With a peroxide blonde in a hopped up model Ford
Ooh, when I'm draggin', draggin' down Main once more
With a peroxide blonde in a hopped up model Ford

Well, we drug down Main, just to make a scene
I barked my tyres as the light turned green
I slapped her to the floor and I let out on the clutch
And what was left on the road, it wasn't very much
We flew out of town, we were side by side
Twin carburetors was a runnin' wild
The smoke was ballin' up for a mile behind
I dated that blonde, she left me way behind
When I was draggin', draggin' down Main once more
With a peroxide blonde in a hopped up model Ford
Ooh, now I never-never-never drag down Main no more
With a peroxide blonde in a hopped up model Ford
Ooh, a peroxide blonde in a hopped up model Ford
Yeah, a peroxide blonde in a hopped up model Ford

First issued on REDITA LP 110 as by Jack Clement

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