Phoenix - Boppin


Boppin' Pete & The Big Bang

(Pete Näsman - Johnny Flight, THE FOOL MUSIC, 2002)

Here it comes the phoenix
Troubadours of fire
Yearning chain smokers
Monday black and blind
Howling as the trajectiles
Brass nozzles in the dark
Sniffing darkness of the night
Holy pyromaniacs

Here it comes the phoenix
Troubadours of fire
Four inch hollow needles
Stainless steel in dire
Passion and ecstasy
Mechanical hounds
Dancers of the fireflies
Charcoal butterflies

Burning fire bright
Pure is firelight
Nuzzling gout of fire
Gonna burn, burn up everything Symphony begins now
Four hundred fifty one
Burn them ashes
Gonna ash, then burn the ashes

Here it comes the phoenix
Troubadours of fire
Happiness boys
Orange flames start the games Salamanders seeking eyes
Bits of ruby glass
Oily executioners Of flapping pigeon winged books

Courtesy of Boppin' Pete

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