Pink Ponytail - Manos Wild

Pink Ponytail

Manos Wild

(Manos Wild, RELEASED AS A SINGLE, 2016)

You better see that baby ;cause I can't sit down
You better see that baby ;cause I can't sit down
She' got a Pink Ponytail that moves the grass around

She' got a Pink Ponytail - She' got a Pink Ponytail
She' got a Pink Ponytail - She' got a Pink Ponytail
A Pink Ponytail that can really shake you down

She's got a crazy smile and red bluejueans
and she do most crazy things
And she starts to rock she can't stop
And all the Cats can see her do the bop -bop bop!

She' got a Pink Ponytail - She' got a Pink Ponytail
She' got a Pink Ponytail - She' got a Pink Ponytail
The craziest girl I saw

She's such a crazy girl so please let me explain
That she can really drive you fast all out in sane
She is a lovin' trouble that burns all my brain

She' got a Pink Ponytail - She' got a Pink Ponytail
She' got a Pink Ponytail - She' got a Pink Ponytail
She' got a Pink Ponytail - the craziest gal I saw

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