Ramshackle Daddy - Bill Hayes With Don Costa

Ramshackle Daddy

Bill Hayes With Don Costa's Orch.

(Bill Hayes, ABC 9809, 1957)

Ramshackle daddy (ramshackle daddy)
Ramshackle daddy (ramshackle daddy)
Ramshackle daddy (ramshackle daddy)
Ramshackle daddy (ramshackle daddy)
I'm a ramshackle daddy, but I love my baby doll

Well, she went through all my money
Just like wadin' through a puddle of water
She bought herself a potful of the finest feminine paraphernalia
What's more, she had the cravin' for expensive types of livin'
Wouldn't save nothing less than jazzy-hop-that-jumped-in-a-pot
So when my roll of dough was gone
Well, she decided that was all
And now my baby doll has left me flat, Jack

So I'm a ramshackle daddy (ramshackle daddy)
I'm a ramshackle daddy (ramshackle daddy)
Oh, a ramshackle daddy (ramshackle daddy)
I'm a ramshackle daddy (ramshackle daddy)
I'm a ramshackle daddy, but I love my baby doll

When I tell you she's so pretty
It would hurt your eyes to look at her face
And what's more, her figure is better by far
Than Marilyn, Jane or even Anita
The cats who crowd around her
Like she was Gina Lollobrigida
Thought she was so cool
Didn't know she would be cruel to me
She had me wrapped around her little ole finger
And every time she tugged the string
I couldn't do nothing but blow my top, Bob


Now listen to me, if you're the Romeo type
And you're happily pickin' 'em up
Then listen to me what I tell you, you better watch out
'Cause she will sure leave you with nothing
I know this has happened to me
I was stripped my both my eyes open
Figured I knew it all and I'd have myself a ball
But I didn't reckon with all the enemies back in my neck
And I don't know how in the heck
But as sure as I'm livin' I'm flat on my back, Jack


Both Bill Hayes and Don Lang's version are very hard to transcribe, because it's such a fast song. Therefor the above transcription might not be accurate. All suggestions are welcome.

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