Rock, Pretty Mama - Billy Adams

Rock, Pretty Mama

Billy Adams

(Adams, QUINCY 932, 1957)

Well, I met a little gal on the outskirts of town
She asked me if I would show her around
I showed her around and around the place
You oughta've seen the expression on that gal's face
Come on and rock, yeah rock pretty mama
Oh, let's rock pretty mama and roll your blues away

Well, I took her into town for a little dance
Soon I knew she was my romance
She jumped and hollored with a thrill
She said, oh Bill, I can't stand still
So let's rock, yeah rock pretty mama
Oh, let's rock pretty mama and roll your blues away
(Ah, bop cat!)

Well, we danced right there till three or four
Everybody else has gone out the door
Still she hollored, more, more, more
I just ain't got them blues no more
So let's rock, yeah rock pretty mama
Oh, let's rock pretty mama and roll your blues away
(Bop now!)

Well, let's rock, let's roll
Yeah, let's rock, let's roll
Oh, let's rock pretty mama and roll your blues away

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