Stairway To Nowhere - Ernie Barton

Stairway To Nowhere

Ernie Barton

(Al & Jo Ann Wingate, PHILLIPS INT. 3528, 1958)

I'm travelling on the stairway to nowhere
Wishing (wishing) you'd come back to me
I'm travelling on the stairway to nowhere
Knowing (knowing) that you hold the key

Well, I saw you last night with another
And the tears so freely fell as I held her tight
Travelling on the stairway to nowhere
Wishing (wishing) you'd come back to me

I'm travelling on the stairway to nowhere
Wishing (wishing) you'd come back to me
I'm travelling on the stairway to nowhere
Knowing (knowing) that you hold the key

Well, I saw you last night with another
And the tears so freely fell as I held her tight
Travelling on the stairway to nowhere
Wishing (wishing) you'd come back to me

I'm travelling on the stairway to nowhere
Wishing (wishing) you'd come back to me
I'm travelling on the stairway to nowhere
Knowing (knowing) that you hold the key

Well, I saw you last night with another
And the tears so freely fell as I held her tight
Travelling on the stairway to nowhere
Wishing (wishing) you'd come back to me

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