Swamp Gal - Tommy Bell

Swamp Gal

Tommy Bell

(Thomas E. Bell, ZIL 45-9001, 1959)

When the moon shines through the cottonwood trees
I can hear my swamp gal callin' me
We meet down by the big cypress trees
That's where I get those shakin' knees
We dance to the rhythm of the swayin' trees
Rock 'n' roll style with a howlin' breeze
You know she hops like a frog, wiggles like snake
You oughta see that gal on a date

I said, swamp gal, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Swamp gal, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Wait for me, I'm coming, can't you see
(Well, let's boogie now!)

Her hair was dipped in the black river stream
Her eyes got the color of a midnight (moonlight) beam
Cheeks like a swamp rose found in the thicket
Lips sweet as a berry, when I first pick it

Swamp gal, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Swamp gal, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Wait for me, I'm coming, can't you see

I hated to leave that wonderful land
Within my heart, my soul took a stand
I'm gonna go back to the place where I met her
Bet your life I'm a-gonna get her!

I said, swamp gal, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Swamp gal, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Wait for me, I'm coming, can't you see
Wait for me, I'm coming, can't you see
Wait for me, I'm coming, can't you see

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