Tear It Up - The Johnny Burnette Trio

Tear It Up

The Johnny Burnette Trio

(J. & D. Burnette - P. Burlison, Coral 61651, 1956)

Come on little baby let's tear the dancefloor up
Come on little baby let's tear the dancefloor up
Come on little mama let me see you strut your stuff
Tear it up, tear it up
Tear it up, tear it up
Come on little baby let me see you strut your stuff

I'm leavin' little baby, gonna be gone a long-long time
I'm leavin' little baby, gonna be gone a long-long time
So come on little baby, show me a real good time
Tear it up, tear it up
Tear it up, tear it up
Come on little mama let's tear the dancefloor up

Well you step back baby, move my way
Step around again an' let me hear you say
Tear it up, tear it up
Come on little baby let's tear the dancefloor up
Tear it up, tear it up
Tear it up, tear it up
Come on little mama let's tear the dancefloor up

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