Wild Wild Young Men - Ruth Brown

Wild Wild Young Men

Ruth Brown

(A. Nugetre, Atlantic 993, 1953)

Wild wild young men like to have a good time
Wild wild young men like to have a good time
Wild wild boyfriends like to lose their minds
Wild men dig me, but I love a cool one
Wild men dig me, but I love a cool one
To go home to, but I've had my fun
Wild men hoop and holler and yell oh-wee
Wild men hoop and holler and yell oh-wee!
They can scream and break down, but they don't kill me

Well, they can romp and stomp
Well, they can rock and roll
Well, they can do the bop
Well, they can thrill my soul
Well, they can drink their wine
They all wanna be mine
Well, mercy-mercy, ain't that ashame
Well, mercy-mercy, ain't that ashame
Wild wild young men scandalize my name

All my girlfriends, they wonder how
All my girlfriends, they wonder how
How I make these young men go wild
Well, I just clap my hands
Well, I just wink my eye
Well, I just whisper "baby"
Well, I just heeve and sigh
Well, I just roll my hips
Then I leave 'em high and dry
Wild wild young men, I must confess
Wild men love me, I must confess
When I tame one, that'll be the mess

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