Angel In Blue Jeans - The Go Getters

Angel In Blue Jeans

The Go Getters

(Peter Sandberg, GOOFIN' GRCD6154, 2008)

I'm just a lonely kind of guy
Nobody seems to care or wonder why
Each time I see you walking by
I swear that I could hear the angels cry

You seem so near, yet far away
Well, but I think that my love is here to stay
I wanna show what true love means
'Cause baby, you're my angel in blue jeans

I wanna go back to be sane
Since I met you baby I'm in pain
You look my way and I get weak
But I wanna say some things, but I can't speak

I wanna tell you how I feel
Well, if I ever seconds of your time could steal
I wanna show what real love means
'Cause baby, you're an angel in blue jeans
Baby, you're an angel in blue jeans

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