Honey Chile - Fats Domino

Honey Chile

Fats Domino

(Domino - Bartholomew, IMPERIAL 5407, 1956)

You're a devil with wondeful charms
But I love to hold you in my arms
Only you can thrill me like you do
So hold that kiss for a long-long while
You know I love you honey chile
I love to hear you whisper low
You know you really thrill me so
Only you can thrill me like you do
So please don't put me on that shelf
You know I can not help myself
I am happy as a baby boy
You ain't nothing but a bundle of joy
Only you can thrill me like you do
Bend your legs and pidgin tooth
You know I love you goodness knows

You're a devil with wondeful charms
But I love to hold you in my arms
Only you can thrill me like you do
So hold that kiss for a long-long while
You know I love you honey chile
I am happy as a baby boy
You ain't nothing but a bundle of joy
Only you can thrill me like you do
Bend your legs and pidgin tooth
You know I love you goodness knows

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