Honk Kong Blues - Jerry Lee Lewis

Honk Kong Blues

Jerry Lee Lewis

(Hoagy Carmichael, SUN Unissued, 1963)

And now he's pumpin' the piano just to pay the price
For a ticket to the land of the free
He said that his home's in Frisco
Where they ship the rice
But it's really in Tennessee

Won't somebody please help me
Won't somebody please carry me back to San Francisco
And bury my body there
Yes, and bury my body there

Oh, won't somebody please help me
Won't somebody please carry me back to San Francisco
And bury my body there
Come on now, and bury my body there
I'm not joking now, bury my body there
Bring it on back, bury my body there
I want to know where I'm burried now, bury my body there

Oh yeah, come on now
Ah-ah, come on

(Original: Hoagy Carmichael & Les Brown, CORAL 61520, 1955)

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