Honolulu Rock-a-roll-a - Groovey Joe Poovey

Honolulu Rock-a-roll-a

Groovey Joe Poovey

(Hoffman - Manning, )

If you could cast your eyes
On the isle of paradise
You'd be surprised to see
What's happened to Wikiki
They do the Honolulu rock-a-roll-a
Honolulu rock-a-roll-a
Come and see them all swinging away
Neath the palm trees by the sea
You'll love the the Honolulu rock-a-roll-a
Honolulu rock-a-roll-a
Come and see them all swinging away
Neath the palm trees by the sea
You can see them swing, they like to sway
Be sure to bring along a ukulele
To serenade you love
They do the Honolulu rock-a-roll-a
Honolulu rock-a-roll-a
Come and see them all swinging away
Neath the palm trees by the sea

You can see them swing, they like to sway
Be sure to bring along a ukelele
To serenade you love
They do the Honolulu rock-a-roll-a
Honolulu rock-a-roll-a
Say hello in Hawaii, yeah for me
When you get to Wikiki
When you get to Wikiki

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