Baby Drink My Wine - Freddie

Baby Drink My Wine

Freddie 'fingers' Lee

(Lee - Chessman, Rockhouse LP7912, 1979)

I ain't got much, but what I got is everything for you
A five dollar suit, a two bit watch
And a lot of love to boot
But I'm gonna have everything there is
If you say you'll be mine
I got a whole lotta love, whole lotta love
Baby drink my wine

I got no job, I walked out last week
I ain't got a dime
But I got enough love right here for you
And I'm hungry for your time
I'm wrapped in a blanket at the end of the line
I'm on wellfare time
I got a whole lotta love, whole lotta love
Baby drink my wine

Well, I ain't got much, but what I got is everything for you
A five dollar suit and a two bit watch
And a lot of love to boot
But I'm gonna have everything there is
When you say you'll be mine
I got a whole lotta love, whole lotta love
Baby drink my wine

I got no job, I walked out last week
I ain't got a dime
But I got enough love right here for you
And I'm hungry for your time
I'm wrapped in a blanket at the end of the line
I'm on wellfare time
I got a whole lotta love, whole lotta love
Baby drink my wine
Baby drink my wine
Baby drink my wine
Baby drink my wine

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