Hurricane - Steve


Steve 'matchbox' Bloomfield

(Steve Bloomfield, Rockhouse, 1978)

My baby moves like lightning
You really wanna see her go
And when she bops, it's a-frightening
You shouldn't watch a north wind blow
To a quiet boy like me
It's hard to keep control
Yeah, just like dancing with a hurricane
All around the floor, then back again
A wild-wild woman never wants to stop
When she hears the sound and the beat of the bop
It's just like dancing with a hurricane
When my baby is a-dancing with me
All right!

When we go to a party
It doesn't take her very long
Until she shows everybody
How to have a real ding dong
They all stare and they wonder
Where this little fireball is from
Well, just like dancing with a hurricane
All around the floor, then back again
A wild-wild woman never wants to stop
When she hears the sound and the beat of the bop
It's just like dancing with a hurricane
When my baby is a-dancing with me
Oh no!

My baby moves like lightning
You really wanna see her go
And when she rocks, it's a-frightening
You shouldn't watch a north wind blow
To a quiet boy like me
It's hard to keep control
Yeah, it's just like dancing with a hurricane
All around the floor, then back again
A wild-wild woman never wants to stop
When she hears the sound and the beat of the bop
It's just like dancing with a hurricane
When my baby is a-dancing with me
Just like dancing with a hurricane
All around the floor, then back again
A wild-wild woman never wants to stop
When she hears the sound and the beat of the bop
It's just like dancing with a hurricane
When my baby is a-dancing with me
When my baby is a-dancing with me
When my baby is a-dancing with me to the bop!

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