I Smell A Rat - Young Jessie

I Smell A Rat

Young Jessie

(Stoller - Leiber, MODERN 2041, 1954)

I smell a rat baby
I smell a rat baby
You better watch out

I smell a rat baby
You won't tell me where you been
Whiskey running all down your chin

I smell a rat baby
I smell a rat baby
You better watch out
I smell a rat baby

You came stumbling down the hall
Bumped your head against the wall
Knock down drunk and that ain't all
I knew you had yourself a ball

I smell a rat baby
I smell a rat baby
You better watch out
I smell a rat baby

You say you ain't been no place
Whiskey smeared all over your face

I smell a rat baby
I smell a rat baby
You better watch out
I smell a rat baby

I know what you been putting down
Down on the other side of town

I smell a rat baby
I smell a rat baby
You better watch out
I smell a rat baby

I smell a rat baby
I smell a rat baby
I smell a rat baby
I smell a rat baby...

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