I Sure Miss You - Gene Vincent & The Blue Caps

I Sure Miss You

Gene Vincent & The Blue Caps

(Sheriff Tex davis - Evelyn Bryan, CAPITOL EAP 3-811, 1957)

You took away my lovely dreams
But I don't need those things at all
You took away the kisses that I love
You took away most everything
But I don't miss one single thing
But I, I sure miss you

I miss you every morning
I miss you every night
I miss you most of all whenever
I wanna be loved just right

You took away most everything
But I don't miss one single thing
But I, I sure miss you

Well, I miss you every morning
Well, I miss you every night
Well, I miss you most of all whenever
I wanna, I wanna be loved just right

You took away most everything
But I don't miss one single thing
But oh, I sure miss you

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