I Wanna Bop - Billy Harlan

I Wanna Bop

Billy Harlan

(Billy Harlan - Royce Morgan, BRUNSWICK 9-55066, 1958)

One o'clock in the morning
I was walking down the street
Couldn't keep from boppin'
Got a rhythm in my feet
I wanna bop, I wanna stroll
Really love rock 'n' roll

Stepped in a little joint
Everything was going fine
They got a rock 'n' roll band
I'll have a dancing good time
I wanna bop, I wanna stroll
Really love rock 'n' roll

In a booth in a corner
Sat a beautiful chick
One look and I could judge
She's got a lot of fancy tricks
I wanna bop, I wanna stroll
Really love rock 'n' roll

When the dance got started
We were really going strong
Well, we danced all night
Till the early early morn'
I wanna bop, I wanna stroll
Really love rock 'n' roll

Oh, we finally walked out
At a half past four
But I'll look her up tomorrow night
I wanna dance some more
I wanna bop, I wanna stroll
Really love rock 'n' roll

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