I Went Rocking - Bobby Norris

I Went Rocking

Bobby Norris

(Hall Winn, CAPITOL F3945, 1958)

I went rockin' to Paris, France
and every night I went out to dance
Well, I met me some pretty girls
the sweetest girls in all the world
but no mademoiselle can cast a spell like you, you, you, you
So I've come home to prove my love is true

I went rockin' to Germany
the Fräulein I worked with were sweet to me
I rocked 'n' rolled across the Rhine
I had myself one crazy time
But no Fräulein is half as fine as you, you, you, you
So I've come home to prove my love is true

Well I went rockin' to old Madrid
The señoritas there flipped my lid
We rocked 'n' rolled 'n' bopped to Spain
But won't go back there again
The señoritas ain't as sweet as you, you, you, you
So I've come home to prove my love is true
Well you know what I mean
I've come home to prove my love is true
'cos you move me honey
I've come home to prove my love is true

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