I'm A Hobo

Danny Reeves

(D. Reeves, D 1206, 1961)

Got my pots and pans and I put 'em in a sack
I started walkin' down that railroad track
Borrowed me a nickel, a dime and a quarter
Got me some of that drinking water
I'm a hobo, call me Jay Jig-a-lag Joe
I'm a happy hobo, always on the go

Used to own a hotel, way uptown
Had me a chauffeur drivin' me around
I got a-thinking how's that uncle supposed to die
Ah-ah, baby-baby, bye-bye-bye
I'm a hobo, call me Jay Jig-a-lag Joe
I'm a happy hobo, always on the go

I hear that train a-coming down that railroad track
Huffin' and a-puffin' up an aweful stack
Mister conductor won't you kindly slow her down
Hobo man, he's a-leavin' town
I'm a hobo, call me Jay Jig-a-lag Joe
I'm a happy hobo, always on the go

Well, I got me some things and some turnip greens
And a-number seven shoes
When I get on down this railroad track
I'm gonna make me some hobo shoes
I'm a hobo, call me Jay Jig-a-lag Joe
I'm a happy hobo, always on the go-go-go

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