I'm Buggin' Out Little Baby

Donny Lee Moore

(Moor - Levitan, SHELLEY 1000, 1959)

I'm buggin out little baby
Well, I'm buggin out and I don't mean maybe
Well, you treat me so mean both night and day
I'm feeling like a hounddog that's gone astray
I'm buggin out little baby

I'm buggin out huh-huh little baby
Well, I'm buggin out and I don't mean maybe
You think you're sweeter than sugar and spice
But I'll find me a gal that's twice as nice
I'm buggin out little baby

Well, I'm buggin out mm-mm little baby
I'm buggin out and I don't mean maybe
I hope you'll meet some honeybee
Who'll see you just like you saw me
I'm buggin out little baby

I'm buggin out, well my little baby
Yeah, I'm buggin out and I don't mean maybe
I guess you think I'm puttin' on
But turn your little head and I'll be gone
Buggin out huh-huh little baby

Well, I'm buggin out little baby
Yeah, I'm buggin out little baby
Well, I'm buggin out little baby
Yeah, I'm buggin out

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