I'm Gone

Levi Dexter & The Ripchords

(Danny B. Harvey, EP, 1980)

I'm gonna rock my baby, gonna go and flick my chick
I'm gonna rock my baby, gonna go and flick my chick
I'm gonna get real crazy and see what makes her tick
'Cause I'm gone, the coolest cat in town
Yeah, I'm gone, the coolest cat in town
When I start rockin' nobody's gonna put me down

You can call me crazy, call me hip
If you call me square I'll flatten your lip
I'm gone, the coolest cat around
When I start rockin' nobody's gonna put me down

I'm gonna rock my baby, gonna go and flick my chick
I'm gonna rock my baby, gonna go and flick my chick
I'm gonna get real crazy and see what makes her tick
'Cause I'm gone, the coolest cat in town
I'm gone, the coolest cat in town
When I start rockin' nobody's gonna put me down
No one!

You can call me crazy, call me hip
If you call me square I'll flatten your lip
I'm gone, the coolest cat around
When I start rockin' nobody's gonna put me down
Get on it..

I'm gone, the coolest cat in town
Yeah, I'm gone, the coolest cat in town
When I start rockin' nobody's gonna put me down

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