I'm Gonna Rock Your Brains Out

Buck Jones And His Rhythm Riders

(B. Jones, Hogfarm HOG001, 2000)

I'm gonna have a party, hey giddy up and go
Hi lo silver and hidy ho
Hey button up your dress it's time to go
All I need is a rock'n roll show

I'm gonna rock your brains out, I'm gonna love you mad
I'm gonna rock your brains out, I'm gonna love you mad
I'm The craziest fellar you've ever had
I'm gonna rock your brains out, I'm gonna love you mad

I'm a nervous fellar, gonna get to you tonight
I'm a nervous fellar, gonna get to you tonight
I'm gonna rock you baby till the break of dawn
All I wanna hear is you moan moan moan

I'm gonna rock...

You're the cutest chicken that I've ever seen
You're the cutest chicken that I've ever seen
Why don't you loosen up and let me in
I wanna make your world spin spin spin

I'm gonna rock your brains out, I'm gonna love you mad
I'm gonna rock your brains out, I'm gonna love you mad
I'm the craziest bastard that you've ever had
I'm gonna rock your brains out, I'm gonna love you mad

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