If You Can Live With It - Darrel Higham

If You Can Live With It

Darrel Higham

( Crow, Nervous, 1995)

Today you say you're leaving me
That a beer drinking cowboy's all I ever be
And you could never live this way
Your daddy didn't raise you to live from day to day

Well now, if you can't live with it
I can't live without it
Your daddy can buy you love from now on
And if you can't live with it
I can't live without it
But you'll miss this ole cowboy when he's gone

I should have known the first day that we met
You're a spoilt little rich girl, rich daddy's little pet
Wearing high dollar clothes and driving a red Corvette
I was wearing faded jeans and old Stetson hat

You like the music of the Broadway Opera
Drinking your champagne and eating your caviar
But I like the music of the Grand Ol' Opry
Drinking beer in old country bar

Hi-di-ho little rich girl, this ole cowboy's gone

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