If You Love My Woman - Jimmy Witter & The Shadows

If You Love My Woman

Jimmy Witter & The Shadows

(Witter - Walls - Smith - Simpson - Bell, ELVIS 900, 1956)

Well, if you love my woman
Well, if you love my woman
Well, if you love my woman
Well, if you love my woman
Well, if you love my woman
Boy, get away from me

Well, I came home early the other night
Saw my pretty baby hold another man tight
I said, listen here daddy, it's plain to see
If you love my woman get away from me
If you love my woman, boy get away from me
Oh, rock it now Jimmy!


She begged and she pleeded let her stay with me
I'm in love with you daddy, please try to see
But if you run, please understand
I'll never never love another man
If you love my woman, boy get away from me
Oh, play guitar!


Well, you told my woman that I wasn't her kind
Told my woman and you played her mind
If I ever see you around here again
I'll run my razor up and down your chin
If you love my woman, boy get away from me
Let's rock again now, let's go!


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