
It's You I Need

Billy Fury

(Billy Fury, DECCA LF1329, 1960)

Well, darling I love you
Baby, yeah I care
I really need your lovin' baby
Baby, I want you near
Oh yeah indeed, it's you I need

I want you in my arms
I want you close to me
I wanna feel your heartbeat baby
Baby, don't you see
Oh yeah indeed, it's you I need

I don't care if the sun don't shine
It can rain as long as your mine
I want you in my arms
I want you close to me
I really need your lovin' baby
Baby, don't you see
Oh yes indeed, it's you I need
(Hit it!)

Well, darling I love you
Baby, yeah I care
I really need your lovin' baby
Baby, I want you near
Oh yes indeed, it's you I need
Oh yes indeed, it's you I need
Oh yes indeed, it's you I need

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