Jello Sal - Benny Ingram

Jello Sal

Benny Ingram

(Benny Ingram, BANDERA 1302, 1958)

Well, let me tell you 'bout my real gone gal
She wears wide clothes socks and her name is Sal
She likes white socks and she really moves
She's done the boogie in 'er blue suede shoes
She's gone, oh man, she's gone
She's a real gone gal, I love my Jello Sal
Well now, she can do the chicken and she can do the bop
She can do the dishes while dancin' to the hop
She's gone, oh man, she's gone
She's a real gone gal, I love my Jello Sal

Well, I said beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Shakin' her thing, that's how she got her name

Well now, she can do the chicken and she can do the bop
She can do the dishes while dancin' to the hop
She's gone, oh man, she's gone
She's a real gone gal, I love my Jello Sal

Well, I said beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Shakin' her thing, that's how she got her name

Well, I said beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Shakin' her thing, that's how she got her name

Well, beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone
Beep-a-bop-a-bop-a-bop, baby's gone

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