Jeopardy - Jean Shepard


Jean Shepard

(Nellie Smith - Leona Butrum, CAPITOL F4191, 1959)

You can steal the soul from a crocodile
You can charm a rattler and make him smile
Even steal the sting from a bumble bee
That's why my heart's in jeopardy

You can steal the croak from an old bullfrog
Everytime he jumps, make him miss the log
You got no conscience, so you go free
All the time my heart's in jeopardy

Jeopardy, jeopardy
Just gotta have you next to me
You put a voodoo hex on me
And now my heart's in jeopardy

Hypnotized, paralyzed
Now my heart's been jeopardized
You're the spider, I'm the fly and I can't be free
I'm caught in your web of jeopardy


Hypnotized, paralyzed
Now my heart's been jeopardized
You're the spider, I'm the fly and I can't be free
I'm caught in your web of jeopardy


Also recorded by Paul Ansell's Number Nine as "Jepardy"

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