Johnny Machine - Billy Smith

Johnny Machine

Billy Smith

(Carl W. Smith, LU BB 918591/2, 1960)

She was coming up the campus looking mighty keen
A real cool mama, a hep cat queen
Strolling right behind her was Johnny Machine
Fearless walking daddy of the teenage queens
Do your work Johnny, Johnny Machine

Well, do your work Johnny (Johnny Machine)
Do it well Johnny (Johnny Machine)
Teenage idol (Johnny Machine)
Fearless walking daddy (of all the queens)
Do your work Johnny, Johnny Machine

He's never tired, he just strolls all the time
He's got all the cool chicks on cloud number nine
He's got a look in his eyes that makes the girls go
Do your work Johnny boy, go go go
Do your work Johnny, Johnny Machine

Well, do your work Johnny (Johnny Machine)
Do it well Johnny (Johnny Machine)
Teenage idol (Johnny Machine)
Fearless walking daddy (of all the queens)
Do your work Johnny, Johnny Machine

Well, do your work Johnny (Johnny Machine)
Do it well Johnny (Johnny Machine)
Teenage idol (Johnny Machine)
Fearless walking daddy (of all the queens)
Do your work Johnny, Johnny Machine
Oooooh, Johnny Machine

Also recorded by Jive Kings on WHITE STAR WS-105

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