Bad Baby Doll - Darry Weaver

Bad Baby Doll

Darry Weaver

(Unknown, )

I had a heartache, I cried a tear
There was a girl I met, she doesn't care
Oh bad baby doll what's wrong with you
Why did you leave this way
When you tore the love we shared I cried
When you told me that you love me, oh you lied
Well I'm findin' out again, into love I shouldn't fall
Oh why-why-why, oh my baby doll

Sometimes I sit around, I'm feelin' all alone
I try to call you but you won't pick up that phone
Ooh bad baby doll look what you do, I can't go on this way
Why can't we get together to explain
Just why I've left you standin' in the rain
Well I'm findin' out again, into love I shouldn't fall
Oh why-why-why, oh my baby doll

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