Juliet - Huelyn Duvall


Huelyn Duvall

(Bob Milsap, CHALLENGE 59025, 1958)

I've got a girl named Juliet
Just like in Shakespeare's play
All she'd had to do is ask me
And I'd throw my life away

Juliet oh Juliet, love me love me please
Don't let our love be an interlude
That's slipped off with the breeze
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Juliet

Juliet, do you remember the time
When I first held your hand
We talked of things like wedding rings
Oh, a pretty little golden band

Juliet oh Juliet, love me love me please
Don't let our love be an interlude
That's slipped off with the breeze
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Juliet

Juliet, do you remember the time
When I first held your hand
We talked of things like wedding rings
Oh, a pretty little golden band

Juliet oh Juliet, love me love me please
Don't let our love be an interlude
That's slipped off with the breeze
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Juliet

Also recorded by Jerry Arnold

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