Keep My Big Wheels Turning - Johnny Key & The Kool Kats

Keep My Big Wheels Turning

Johnny Key & The Kool Kats

(T. Earl, Alligator ALL103)

Stayin' on the freeway from one stay to the next
Down to Clovis and right on through the west
Well, my whistle's gonna blow, 'cause this I wanna show
My truck's goin' faster than any railroad Joe

So keep my big wheels a-turning, my big wheels a-turning
My big wheels a-turning every night and day
So keep my big wheels a-turning, my big wheels a-turning
I'm gonna truck, gonna truck, gonna truck my blues away

Drivin' up some mountain, that big wheel in my hand
If I go much higher, I'm gonna reach that promised land
Well, my engine's gonna say, I'm gonna go by every day
My truck's going faster than anything with wings


Drivin' up that highway from one town to the next
Ain't got no time to worry or even take a rest
Well, I don't wanna stop at no hot parking lot
My truck's going faster than a rifle shot

[Chorus 2x]

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