Kiss The Girls - Buzz & The Flyers

Kiss The Girls

Buzz & The Flyers

(Wayne - Gene, ROCKHOUSE LP 8302, 1983)

I watch the TV and I read the news
I try to pick up on some other views
I ain't so handsome and I'm not so tall
I can't believe that I'm no good at all
They're seldom walkin' by my side
Because I, I kiss the girls and I make 'em cry

I tried the loose ones and I tried 'em tight
But when I tried a little kiss good night
The tears start flowin' when they all left me
I want it said this as the key
They're seldom walkin' by my side
Because I, I kiss the girls and I make 'em cry

Well, the doctor tells me that I gotta give, that's cool
He said cryin' for my kisses is being misunderstood
He said the tears that they're cryin' ain't the tears of pain
But they're tears of protection to repel the flame, well...

Now I sit and wait for girls to call
If I kiss one, then I kiss them all
They learn to like it when they can't control
The tears in their burning soul
They're always walkin' by my side
Because I, I kiss the girls and I make 'em cry
When we make love, they can't forget
The kiss that makes them soaking wet

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