Knee Deep In The Blues - Guy Mitchell

Knee Deep In The Blues

Guy Mitchell

(Melvin Endsley, Columbia 40820, 1957)

Well, I've just been thinkin' things over
How I have loved you for years
My life just don't seem worth livin'
Since you have left me in tears

My skies have all turned to gray now
And I just walk the soles offa my shoes
Since you've been gone my heart's broken
And I'm just knee-deep in the blues

Well, I've just been thinkin' things over
How I have loved you for years
My life just don't seem worth livin'
Since you have left me in tears

You ask me why I've been cryin'
It's 'cause I've lost 'bout all I can lose
Since you've been gone I've quit tryin'
And I'm just knee-deep in the blues

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