Last Train To San Fernando - Johnny Duncan & The Bluegrass Boys

Last Train To San Fernando

Johnny Duncan & The Bluegrass Boys

(Padmore - DeVere, UK, 1957)

Last train to San Fernando
Last train to San Fernando
If you miss this one, you'll never get another one
Bee-dee-dee-dee-bom-bom to San Fernando

Last night I met my sweet Dorothy
She said, tomorrow I join in sweet matrimony
But if you act all right
Oh, you can take me out tonight
We can wine and dine and get back in time
For the last train to San Fernando


Well, I married into high society
Be carefull of the places you're a-takin' me
'Cause if you slip, I'll slide
And I may never be your bride
Bee-dee-dee-dee-bom-bom to San Fernando


Last train (to San Fernando)
Last train (to San Fernando)
Last train (to San Fernando)
Last train (to San Fernando)

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