Bad To The Bone - Rhythm

Bad To The Bone

Rhythm' Train

(Urs Odermatt, 2004)

Don't mess with me, ain't gonna tell ya no more
ain't no use hangin' round my door
Get out girl just run on home
don't come back, just leave me alone
'cause I'm a dirty rotten snake
I'm bad to the bone

Got kicked outta school, when I was a kid
Broke Momma's heart, all the things I did
Would rather hold a knife, than write my name
Don't lay me no guilt trip, lay me no shame
'cause I'm a dirty rotten snake
I'm bad to the bone

Don't want any ties, don't wanna settle down
just ride my bike, from chick to town
Always been a loner, booze is my best pal
Don't give a damn, it's my ticket to hell
'cause I'm a dirty rotten snake
I'm bad to the bone

I'm tellin' you gal, warned you from the start
Won't change my ways, I'll only break your heart
Ain't no use n'cryin', love is just a game
Ain't nothing but trouble, cause bad bone's my name
'cause I'm a dirty rotten snake
I'm bad to the bone

Courtesy of Urs Odermatt

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