Lazy Lady - Fats Domino

Lazy Lady

Fats Domino

(A. Domino - R. Hall, ABC 10531, 1964)

Lazy lady, lazy lady, lazy lady, get out of bed
You sleep till eleven, like you're in heaven
Lazy lady, get out of bed
Oh lazy lady, get out of bed
Oh lazy lady, you heard what I said

You always go shopping, you do the town and
Lazy lady, don't need you around
You don't do housework, you don't make groceries
Lazy lady, gonna push you down
Oh lazy lady, get out of bed
Oh lazy lady, you heard what I said

You're so lazy, you're drivin' me crazy
Lazy lady, get out of bed
You call me honey, to get some money
Lazy lady, get out of bed
Oh lazy lady, get out of bed
Oh lazy lady, you heard what I said

Lazy lady, lazy lady, lazy lady, get out of bed
You sleep till eleven, like you're in heaven
Lazy lady, get out of bed
Oh lazy lady, get out of bed
Oh lazy lady, you heard what I said

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