Leroy - Jack Scott


Jack Scott

(Jack Scott, Carlton 462, 1958)

I know a boy, he was never blue
Now he lives in cellblock two
I don't know just why he's blue
Leroy, what'd you do
Well, Leroy's back in jail again
Leroy's back in jail again
I don't know why, why he's blue
Leroy, what'd you do
Went to the judge, dig man wail
I'm here and I got Leroy's bail
Judge said, son don't you tell me no tale
Leroy, he's gonna stay in jail
Oh, Leroy's back in jail again
Leroy's back in jail again
I don't know why, why he's blue
Leroy, what'd you do

Now Leroy says, man you tried your best
Now I'm here, gonna take a rest
I've seen Minny, she's got the blues
She let you wear my long pointed shoes
Oh, Leroy's back in jail again
Leroy's back in jail again
I don't know why, why he's blue
Leroy, what'd you do
(Gonna one, yeah, gonna one, two..)

Now Leroy's heart is a bowl of hate
Leroy, he just can't go straight
Tell my Minny, I can't keep my date
I'm gonna be 'bout six months late
Leroy's back in jail again
Leroy's back in jail again
I don't know why, why he's blue
Leroy, what'd you do
Leroy, what'd you do
Leroy, what'd you do

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