Like A Devil - Long Black Jackets

Like A Devil

Long Black Jackets

(A. Gourmelon - S. Pellet, SFAX/CASTLE RECORDS, 2002)

She works all day long in a coffee shop
Smellin' of burn fat in the middle of the pan
But when she drives down town every saturday night
She twinkles as a star
Under city light

She's like a devil in disguise
She's like a devil in disguise
Oh when the music starts to scream
She's rockin' as a queen
She makes it wild

Playin' with the boys with all her charms
Dressin' like a pin-up
She bats her eyes
Nobody can be her lover boy you see
Her heart belongs to the jukebox kings

She starts to dance at nine until half past five
She doesn't want to stop until the mornin' light
All dressed in red as a fire engine
When she dig that jive
She's the queen of the night

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