Linda Lou - Curley Langley & His Western All Stars

Linda Lou

Curley Langley & His Western All Stars

(Langley - Petiven, ARCADIA 110, 1956)

Well, I tought Linda Lou how to roll
I tought Linda Lou how to rock
I tought Linda Lou how to roll so well
The cats all blow their top
They holler, rock Linda Lou roll
Hey roll Linda Lou rock
Well, rock Linda Lou roll
Roll Linda Lou rock
Rock Linda Lou, roll Linda Lou
Linda Lou, never-never stop

Well, when Linda Lou digs that beat
With the rhythm that the cats all know
Everybody get around and clap their hands
And holler, Linda Lou go-go-go!
Well, rock Linda Lou roll
Hey roll Linda Lou rock
Well, rock Linda Lou roll
Roll Linda Lou rock
Rock Linda Lou, roll Linda Lou
Linda Lou, never-never stop

Linda Lou wears a ponytail hairdo
She dressed out in red blue jeans
When the band starts rockin' and a-rollin'
All the cats know what that means
They holler, rock Linda Lou roll
Hey roll Linda Lou rock
Well, rock Linda Lou roll
Roll Linda Lou rock
Rock Linda Lou, roll Linda Lou
Linda Lou, never-never stop

Well, they holler, rock Linda Lou roll
Hey roll Linda Lou rock
Well, rock Linda Lou roll
Roll Linda Lou rock
Rock Linda Lou, roll Linda Lou
Linda Lou, never stop!

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